So, for a while, I was asking myself, ....... I need something to help with the helmet retaining shape, while the Kneadatite dries.
For the longest time, I was considering a broken ball from floor hockey, (ya know, those orange balls?) Every so often, they break from too many devastating slapshots being had with them.
Then one day, it jumped out at me - thats perfect for the portions I wanted! I didn't want a bullet-shaped helmet, like the one Toybiz gave him, (I shudder when I thiink of what Hasbro might of done.)
My starting piece - the hatch from Hulk-Buster Ironman!
I took the hatch off, and placed it on top of Juggy's mug - my vision of what was to come looked perfect!
So, I covered the hatch in saran wrap, and oiled it up so it wouldn't adhere to the Kneadatite. Mixed up some of that green-stuff, and began sculpting. I had to add to the edges of the helmet later.
As you can see here, the indent from the Hulkbuter hatch is still visible on the inside.
Now, I was scared sh!tless when it can time to cut the eye and mouth holes. I knew I only had 1 shot at it, so I carefully eyed things up, and referenced a few Juggy's here on Fwoosh, as well as pictures on Google and from material I had in the apartment. I think I chose the right shapes I wanted to give him a 'mean' feel to his helmet.
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