Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Dimension: Eh Pearsonic Production - Action figures

To quote my all-time favorite band - The Beastie Boys - Another Dimension is my way of breaking the ice in regards to me getting around to making this blog what I had orignally intended it to be - a place for me to share and showcase my art and creativity in all of it's many forms. I will be contributing my works from the last 3 years or so, with photos and write ups of some of the WIP (Work In Progress), my source of inspiration and what I had set out to learn or achieve. I want to shout out to The Comic Crypt and The Fwoosh for keeping me inspired, and for being a place of ever-ongoing education from all the awesome customizers whose work I gawk at, and swoon over. As much as I do this for fun like many others, it is work and can be tedious and time-consuming. I like modifying and making figures and such for myself, but I'm also looking to hone my skills so I can market myself more confidently.

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