Friday, December 05, 2008

A Cool Thing Happened back in July........

.....and I forgot to blog about it.

My GF is a big Kid Rock fan, and a good friend of mine Denny hooked me up with a pair of tickets to the show that he couldn't use.

Well, before the show, we were enjoying some quite time at the park across the street from the P.N.E. Colliseum before the show started when I noticed a pecular looking man and a camera man filming some items. Now, it didn't take me all too long to realise who this man was:

My favorite reporter ever: Nardwaur the Human Serviette! (For those of you who do not know who Nardwaur is, you can check him out here: or here: )

So, I could not pass up a chance to say hello to a person I hold in high regard.

So, I walked up to him, asked if he was busy or in the middle of something, and he said no, he had time to chat. I introduced myself, and mentioned I was a fan of his work, his style, and his dedication to his art aka profession. I asked if he was about to or if he already had interviewed Kid Rock to which he kinda chuckled. He said that he did not get a chance to interview him since he, (Kid Rock,) was not too impressed with part of what Nardwaur wanted to bring up.

I asked, what could be all THAT bad? To which Nardwaur produced a MTV Raps collector card of Kid Rock: complete with old-school 'Kid & Play' towering eraser hair-do. It was PRICELESS. And due to this, Nardwaur was not granted an interview.

He did interview Rev. Run though, and had action figs of him. I talked a bit about how I'm a collector of sorts, and I admire some of the rare, hard-to-find things he finds to flaunt/wave in the face of certain celebs, (An interview with Snoop Dogg takes the cake with the old Red Fox plushie, and the record that Snoop 'steals' from Nardwaur.)

I also asked if things were okay with him, (he had some health problems in recent history,) and that I hoped they were. He thanked me for my concern and said that things were all good.

All in all, it was a cool experience. He was genuinely a nice guy. I have heard certain stories about how he got his name, and certain things that troubled him in his youth, (from a guy that used to go to high school with him,) but in my opinion, in the end, the man known as Nardwuar will forever be a hero for journalism for the stellar work that he does.

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