Got Bane a yr or so ago via a trade, and quickly saw why people were ripping him in half, and replacing his bow-legs with better ones............TNA Nash, Desperso, YA Hulkling - I'm sure the list goes on.
My LCBH Marv had a crotch explosion, (No, not from the scene with Goldie,) and I soon had inspiration to do something with the pieces of Marv. Upper half - is a part of another custom you'll see shortly, but the lower half looked a perfect fit for Bane.
The waist peg from Bane was waaay smaller than Marv, but I had a simple fix.
I cut 3 layers of plastic card from old TB clamshells, trimmed them down some, and they fit perfectly in the crotch. Drilled a hole for the waist peg to fit into, centered. Cut an opening to the drill hole, worked the upper torso onto it, glued crotch together and whallah!
Upon close inspection, upper half does not fit perfectly to the hips, but with the tank top, it's all good to me!
Sorry if the pics kinda suck - most of the pic taking seems to happen as I run out the door to work...........
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